Here's how to do it!
Participating in a group event
Participating in an event for a group of prospects has three phases:
- Preparing for the event
- Attending the event
- and following up
Begin by deciding on a marketing theme for the event. Tie it to your company's overall marketing focus but tailor the theme to reflect the interests of the target audience who will be attending the group event. Some typical themes are how your product or service promotes efficiency and save money; how it solves problems encountered by the target audience; what competitive advantage it imparts; or what enhancements to customer service it brings.
Trade show graphics
Trade show graphics are the large-scale photographs, signs, banners, posters and booth displays that are intended to draw the attendees interest and attract them to linger at your booth. In addition, trade show graphics can impart information that provides a context for explaining what your organization or business does or provides.
Designing for large-scale displays is different than designing for brochures and similar printed marketing materials. The primary difference is scale- display graphics are significantly larger that those used in collateral pieces and also simpler. Headlines should be trim, images large, and text short and easy to read. As a guide, think of a highway billboard that is read in three seconds or less. Your trade show graphics need to convey who you are, what you do and why a prospect should care in the amount of time it takes to stroll past your booth.
For consistency of image and brand, tie trade show graphics to your product or service marketing literature. But be careful here- the images used in a brochure may not be of sufficient resolution when enlarged to sign, banner or poster size. Ask us to evaluate the suitability of any photograph or other image you are considering.
Printed material
Besides having a supply of brochures, sell sheets and business cards to distribute during the trade show or group meeting, you might need other material to support the trade show or meeting activities such as:
- name badges for you staff and attendees
- copies of an agenda or program
- entry forms for a drawing of giveaway
- tickets to invitation-only activities such as a luncheon or sponsored entertainment
- new product announcements and product guides
- show special flyer's or discount offers
- mini catalogs or CD's with product information
- order forms
Promotional items
Whether you are a group meeting host providing a thank you gift to attendees or a trade show distributor who wants to attract traffic at the booth, a supply of promotional items- sometimes called advertising specialty items- are a way to be sure your company or organization is remembered after the event has concluded.
When deciding on a promotional item, select on that pertains to your business and simultaneously appeals to the target audience. A promotional item of higher quality or real utility is both more appealing and more likely to be taken back to the office and used by an attendee. If the projected meeting or trade show attendance is very large, consider having a low-cost item to attract people to you booth and reserve the higher-quality item as a prize for a contest or a drawing. It is also a good idea to select a promotional item that can be used as a giveaway after the trade show or meeting.
You may not be aware that we can be source for any advertising specialty or promotional items that you need. We are a member of ASI, the Advertising Specialty Institute, which gives us access to over 3,500 suppliers of advertising specialty items. Our membership in ASI means that we can offer you product catalogs to have handy in you office and also can search online for any of the thousands of products offered by ASI suppliers.
Your Brand.....
Your graphical image or brand is vital to your marketing success. You have only seconds to make a first impression so it's important to put your best foot forward. At PaperGraphics we can help you make your next event a success. To get a free consultation send us an email or call us 254-773-7391 and we'll schedule a meeting to asses you needs and explore options.