Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Repurpose Marketing Content

Repurposing content is often one of the most cost-effective and efficient ways to create an abundance of creative content, while at the same time extending the shelf life of your current marketing investment. Here are a few tips to help you creatively repurpose marketing content:
  • Combine related blog posts on specific topics into an e-book. Add content as needed to make it flow smoothly from one post to another.

  • Convert PowerPoint presentations into videos by adding animations, background music, or a voice-over. Maximize exposure by posting your videos on YouTube and sharing links via social media, your website, email, direct mail, and other marketing tools.

  • Turn publications or articles into podcasts by simply reading them aloud or having a narrative conversation about a topic of interest.

  • Create a company history timeline highlighting the stages and evolution of your business. Include news releases, company posts, social media announcements, and articles about your company.

  • Review unconventional content as well, such as an employee handbook that may include an introduction from the president outlining the company's vision or a well-written summary of your target audience meant to educate new employees.

  • Archive your news releases in a "news" section on your company website to increase ongoing exposure.

  • Reuse parts of press releases, case studies, white papers, and other publications. Pull key quotes, stats, facts, and highlights, then use those materials in brochures, newsletters, blog posts, website pages, and email campaigns.

  • Create a landing page or microsite using in-depth product pages or articles that you've already written.

No matter how you repurpose your content, just remember that the more content you create, the easier it is to generate interest, educate and inform prospects and customers, and increase sales.

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