Wednesday, February 1, 2012

PGPTip: Marketing Your Company- Advanced Techniques

In our last blog we discussed how to get your brand ready for your next marketing event. In this lesson we will discuss how to get prospects to attend your event so that you have a chance to grab their attention and turn them into customers.

Inviting customers and prospects to attend

Sending invitations to customers and prospects to let them know you will be exhibiting at a trade show can help build traffic. If there is a charge to attend, see if you can arrange for some free passes to distribute to your best customers or prospects.

Invitations can be as simple as a post card that gives the dates of the show, your booth number, and one or two reasons why attendees should stop by your booth. If you limit the size of the post card to no greater than 4.25 x 6 inches it can be mailed at the first class postage rate for cards which not only is lower than the rate for standard mail, but also comes with free address correction in case the invitee has moved.

Additionally, for greater response, a follow up phone campaign is key to getting the most prospects to your event. Just a little personal touch goes a long way and this strategy should always be implemented following a post card or letter campaign.

Following up after the event

Exhibiting at a trade show or putting on a group meeting takes resources- time, money and manpower- but can yield a large number of leads. However, not all the leads will be high quality since trade shows in particular do attract a share of "lookers" as well as buyers. This means that an important task following the trade show or group meeting is to qualify the leads received.

A common way to follow up is with a mailing. Some businesses like to use a personalized letter; another option is a larger post card that is a takeoff on the small post card used originally to promote the trade show or event. This gives attendees another exposure to the trade show or group meeting marketing theme and serves as a reminder of the message being promoted at the show or meeting.

Just like you did when you invited attendees to attend, you should also make a follow up phone call to thank them for their time and to see what else you can do for them. This extra personal touch is extremely important and a proper script and plan is necessary to achieve maximum results.

Tips & Tricks

When creating trade show graphics, remember this principle: keep it simple. The purpose of the graphics is to attract attention and hold it long enough to deliver the marketing message. This is best accomplished by a clean, simple design and a color palette that works with it to increase viewer comprehension.

Be especially careful when selecting fonts. Decorative fonts, while interesting and eye-catching, can be very difficult to read or may not render well in the large point size needed on a banner or sign. Changing fonts too often may cause the graphics to look messy or haphazard. Select fonts that are easy to read in the large point sizes required for viewing form across an aisle or from an oblique angle.

White space or background color is a good way to balance text and visuals and can be used to draw the eye to important elements of the design. Also remember to keep the important visual elements high enough so they can be seen above the heads of booth visitors.

We're your support service for trade shows, group meetings or marketing campaigns

At PaperGraphics we can teach you how to properly follow up with prospects using our specialized training with CPrint Intenational. Through our ManagedMarketing program we can help you attract prospects and begin a dialogue with them through direct mail, email, and other integrated marketing methods teach your staff how to prepare, invite and close the sale with your prospects. In fact, we are the only printer in this market that is certified to do so.

If your organization or business regularly attends trade shows or hosts group meetings, let us know the schedule of upcoming dates and locations for the events you are participating in. We'll work out a timeline that will let you know when you must start planning and designing the printed materials you'll need and by what date you must order advertising specialty items. We'll also give you critical due dates to help keep you on schedule and within budget. Call us at 254-773-7391 or 254-526-4303 to get started.

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